[古希臘文讀書筆記] 柏拉圖《理想國》第8卷中的若干字詞 (551a9–551b4)

11 min readMar 2, 2024





οὐκοῦν τότε δὴ νόμον τίθενται ὅρον πολιτείας ὀλιγαρχικῆς ταξάμενοι πλῆθος χρημάτων, οὗ μὲν μᾶλλον ὀλιγαρχία, πλέον, οὗ δ᾽ ἧττον, ἔλαττον, προειπόντες ἀρχῶν μὴ μετέχειν ᾧ ἂν μὴ ᾖ οὐσία εἰς τὸ ταχθὲν τίμημα, ταῦτα δὲ ἢ βίᾳ μεθ᾽ ὅπλων διαπράττονται, ἢ καὶ πρὸ τούτου φοβήσαντες κατεστήσαντο τὴν τοιαύτην πολιτείαν. ἢ οὐχ οὕτως; (551a9–551b4)


C.D.C.Reeve (2004): Isn’t it then that they pass a law, which is a defining characteristic (ὅρον) of an oligarchic constitution, establishing a wealth qualification — higher where it is more oligarchic, lower where it is less so — and proclaim that anyone whose property does not reach the stated assessment cannot participate in ruling? And they either put this through by force of arms, or else, without resorting to that, they use intimidation to establish this sort of constitution. Isn’t that so?

Loeb Classics, Chris Emlyn-Jones and William Preddy (2013): So then they pass a law as the defining characteristic (ὅρον) of an oligarchic constitution setting the level of money required. Where it’s more oligarchic, the level is higher, where it’s less so, lower; and they don’t allow anyone to hold office whose property is below the established qualifying point. This they achieve either by force of arms, or, even before they get that far, they set up this kind of constitution by using intimidation. Or is this not the case?”

Paul Shorey (1969): And is it not then that they pass a law defining the limits (ὅρον) of an oligarchical polity, prescribing a sum of money, a larger sum where it is more of an oligarchy, where it is less a smaller, and proclaiming that no man shall hold office whose property does not come up to the required valuation? And this law they either put through by force of arms, or without resorting to that they establish their government by terrorization. Is not that the way of it?

第8–9卷討論敗壞的政體,依序是以榮譽和軍功為最高價值的 “timocracy”, 然後是「寡頭政治」(oligarchy),再來是 「民主」(democracy),最後是「暴政」(tyranny)。在所引文中,柏拉圖剛討論完 timocracy,正要開始討論寡頭政治。Oligarchy,字面意思只是「少數人的统治」,但在柏拉圖的論述裡,此政體有更特定的意思,即它以利益和金錢為最高價值。故有引文中所說,若沒有一定財產即不能參與政治。

我著眼的主要是第一句:οὐκοῦν τότε δὴ νόμον τίθενται ὅρον πολιτείας ὀλιγαρχικῆς ταξάμενοι πλῆθος χρημάτων,尤其是其中 ὅρον (ὅρος) 一詞。

在較為分析性或邏輯性的語境,ὅρος (及ὁρισμός) 常關乎「定義」。如亞里士多德的 Topics I.VI-V 區分了「特殊性質」(unique property, ἴδιον),「定義」(definition, ὅρον),類屬 (genus, γένος),和「偶然性質」(accidents, συμβεβηκός)。故 Reeve 和 Loeb Classics 皆譯 ὅρον 為 “defining characteristics”,「定義性特徵」之類。

下文續說 “where it’s more oligarchic, (the level is) higher, where it’s less so, lower”。若依此譯,意思便是:由少數富豪管治,所設定的財富標準便更高,更符合柏拉圖眼中「寡頭政治」以利益和金錢為最高價值的定義。反之,當這政體沒那麼「寡頭」時,所設定的財富標準便稍低,便沒那麼符合「寡頭政治」的定義。譯文 “where it is more oligarchic”, 沒有明言 “it” 指甚麼;但若依此讀法,便應指 oligarchic constitution/polity。

然後我們可以問:柏拉圖是否真的有意把這個法律(以財產量來決定參政資格)來當作此政體定義的一部分?無疑這是關於權力分佈的一項重要設定;但說成是關乎「定義」,即使只是其中一個「定義性特徵」,也是個很強的主張,詮釋者在此理應更為審慎。於是就可能會進一步問:柏拉圖如何看待定義?他如何使用 ὅρος 一詞?諸如此類。

但有另一個讀法,則可能不需那麼麻煩。ὅρος 字面意思是「界限」(boundary) 或「限制」(limit)。可以指空間上某個特定範圍 (e.g. Athenian Constitution 12.5);也可以指某事情確立的界限,如《理想國》早前提到 “ὑπερβάντες τὸν τῶν ἀναγκαίων ὅρον” (373d9), 「越過定然而有的欲望所設定的界限」 (transgressing the limit set by our necessary wants)。「定義」也可說是由「界限」一義而來,即清楚劃出某概念的界限。 Shorey 把上文譯成 “defining the limits of an oligarchical polity”,有意保留 ὅρος 的字面意思。

若依此讀法,這段的意思是:權勢者設立了一條法律去作為這個寡頭政體之得以成立的規限 (limit),即立定所需的財富量。當所定的財富量更是「寡頭」,所設定的財富標準便越高(即真的只有「更少人」能參政);當所設定的財富量沒那麼「寡頭」,所設定的財富標準便越低。與此相關,句中的中性代詞 οὗ 指上文同是中性的 πλῆθος (amount),不指上文的雌性詞 πολιτείας (state)。於是,譯文的 “where it is more oligarchic”, “it” 指 the amount of money,不指 oligarchic constitution/polity。那麼,重點便不在於該政體是否更符合柏拉圖眼中「寡頭政治」以利益和金錢為最高價值的定義 (按 “defnition” 解讀 ὅρος),而只是在於這個政體在成立之時有這樣一個「規限」(按 “limit” 解讀 ὅρος)。這樣讀,便其實不需處理柏拉圖如何理解定義等問題。

當然,可能有別的原因讓我們相信在柏拉圖眼中這個規限真的是「寡頭政治」的一個「定義性特徵」。也可能兩個意思都有。 Shorey 譯成 “defining the limits of”,便刻意保留兩個意思。但這必須以更深層次的分析去決定。單就字面意思而言,把 ὅρος 讀成 “limit”,似乎更簡單直接。

而且,把 ὅρος 讀成 “limit” 還有額外的好處。這關乎到文中另外一詞:πολιτείας。πολιτεία 一般譯作 “constitution”, “state”, “form of govenment” 之類,中文或可稱「政體」。但 πολιτεία 可僅指 “citizenship”, 或更具體的 “body of citizens”, 或更動態的 “civic participation”。那麼,關鍵的就不是「寡頭政體」,而是「少數公民的參與」。

不難看到,把 πολιτεία 讀成 “civic participation” 與把 ὅρος 讀成 “limit” 互相吻合。引文第一句,說的就不是甚麼這個法律(以財產量來決定參政資格)是寡頭政體的定義性特徵,而是權勢者設立了一條法律去作為少數公民參政的規限 — — 換言之,此法律決定所謂「只有少數人能參與」的實際門檻。這樣讀,下文就幾乎可說只是平鋪直敘地描述如何應用這條規條:按這法律,財產不達既定標準,就當然不能參政。若把 ὅρος 讀成「定義性特徵」,那就可能會理解成:柏拉圖以某個具體的(關乎權力分佈的)法律設定去窺視某政體的本質。但按我們剛剛的解讀,柏拉圖此段的用意大可沒那麼深遠。

(又,ἀρχῶν 有時譯作 “ruling”。“Ruling” 的語感偏向指最高的在位者。但在不少語境 ἄρχω/ἀρχῶν 可包括由高至低的不同管治性職位,不限最高统治者。故上引 Shorey 與 Loeb Classics 譯為 “hold office”。這也與我們把 πολιτεία 讀成 “civic participation” 的解讀吻合:重點只是在寡頭政治中財產量決定多少人能「參與管治」,不是多少人能成為「统治者」。)


So then they pass a law that sets the limits of oligarchic civic participation, prescribing the amount of money needed: where it (the prescribed amount) is more oligarchic, more money is needed, where it (the prescribed amount) is less oligarchic, fewer; and [they] proclaim that anyone whose property does not reach the prescribed valuation cannot participate in office. This they put through either by force of arm, or before (πρὸ; alt.: rather than) this, they establish this sort of state by intimidation. Or is it not like that?




Emlyn-Jones, Chris and Preddy, William. 2013. Republic, Volume II: Books 6–10. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.

Reeve, C.D.C. 2004. Plato, The Republic. Translated from the New Standard Greek Text, with Introduction. Indianapolis: Hackett.

Shorey, Paul. 1969. Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vols. 5 & 6. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.




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